Are the prices mentioned inclusive of taxes? 

The prices are mentioned exclusive of taxes unless otherwise mentioned. It is best to confirm with the service provider before making the booking.

Is GST applicable on Hajj and Umrah services offered to pilgrims traveling to Saudi Arabia?

Yes, GST is applicable on Hajj and Umrah tours. TCS is also applicable as it is being treated under the section of Overseas Tour Package. Please consult your tax attorney or chartered accountant for any further clarification.

What is Halal travel or Muslim-friendly travel?

It’s vacation, faith based or leisure travel wherein Muslims are also able to meet their faith-based needs. Examples are staying at hotels that use halal meat, have prayer/meditation rooms, and separate gym and pool timings for females.

What vaccines or medicines should I get before international travel?

It depends on where you are going and what you will be doing. The vaccinations rule are updated on a regular basis and depends on country of arrival as well as country of departure. It is advisable to check for country specific information and meet the requirements in advance for a hassle free trip.

Can I pay in cash or after arriving at the destination?

In most of the cases, payments have to be made in advance and as per the terms and conditions advertised by the service provider.

If I cancel hotel or package booking, how will my refund be processed?

The refunds are subject to the tour operator’s terms and conditions. The users are advised to get themselves acquainted with the refund process before making the booking. This website or persons affiliated with the website have no obligation or liability to users for the payments made.

Is Halal travel only for muslims?

No, it can be enjoyed by any traveler who wants to experience the Muslim culture and way of life.

Is Halal travel only limited to Muslim-majority countries?

No, Halal travel is not limited to Muslim-majority countries as many other countries also offer Muslim-friendly travel experiences.

What is a Halal or Muslim-friendly accommodation? 

It’s an accommodation that provides halal food options, prayer/meditation rooms, and a clean and safe environment that is respectful to Muslim sensibilities.

What are some popular Halal or Muslim-friendly travel destinations?

Some popular Halal or Muslim-friendly travel destinations include: 

  • Turkey 
  • UAE 
  • Morocco
  • Malaysia
  • Indonesia
  • Saudi Arabia

Can I find namaz facilities during travel?

Yes, many places such as hotels, airports, public buildings, etc. have designated prayer or meditation rooms (also called reflection rooms at some places). These are mostly clean and quiet spaces where Muslim can comfortably offer their prayers. 

Are there any Halal or Muslim-friendly options for beach vacations? 

Yes, there are Halal or Muslim-friendly options for beach vacations. For example, Maldives. 

What kind of clothing should I wear during Muslim-friendly travel?

While traveling, it is generally advised to respect local customs & wear culturally-appropriate clothing. Loose fitting clothes that cover the body well are considered more appropriate, especially in conservative areas or places of religious significance.

Are there accommodations with women-only sections? 

Yes, many hotels and resorts offer women-only sections such as women-only pools or gyms, and some might even have women-only floors.

Can I find Halal or Muslim-friendly options among the in-flight entertainment or reading material? 

Yes, some airlines offer Halal or Muslim-friendly options for in-flight entertainment or reading material such as Islamic-themed movies or books.

How to check for visa requirements?

Requirements for travel visas vary widely depending on your nationality and your destination. It is always recommended to apply for visa directly or through approved agencies.